Collection of Rs. 5 per square feet for basement during the construction of Buildings.

Collection of Rs. 5 per square feet for basement during the construction of Buildings.

Reference:- D.O. No. PS/73/Mining dated 14.08.2023 from Secretary, Department of Mines and Geology and this office letter no. 3235 dated 08.12.2022.
With reference to the subject cited above, a copy of notification dated 28.06.2023 regarding amendment in Punjab State Mineral Minor Policy, 2023 along with step by step procedure to apply and generate payment received by the applicant issued by the Department of Mines and Geology, Punjab is being sent herewith for information and further necessary action.
Copy Enclosed:

1.To ease the process of revenue collection of Rs. 5 per square feet for basement during the construction of buildings, Mines & Geology Department vide notification no. PS/25/Mining/E-505773 dated 28.06.2023 has amended the relevant clause of Punjab State Minor Mineral Policy 2023 (copy attached).
2.It has now been notified that revenue shall be collected online by the Department of Mines & Geology and the receipt generated shall be mandatorily asked for and checked by the town planning authority before approving any building plans.
3.In order to effectively address this issue, it would be better to implement a mandatory payment receipt verification system that requires building plan applicant to furnish valid payment receipt issued by Department of Mines and Geology through its Mining Portal ( to the town planning authority. The step by step procedure to apply and generate payment receipt by the applicant is also hereby attached for your kind information.
4.I shall be grateful if you could issue directions to all the authorities under your administrative control to promptly address this issue, so that any revenue loss to the State exchequer can be avoided.

In continuation of notification no. PB/Mineral Policy/2023/1293 dated 13/03/2023 to ease the process of revenue collection from Basements construction, Clause a b & c of “Construction of Basements in Building” at page no. 919 shall be substituted as follows:-
“Rs. 5 per sq. ft. shall be charged by the Town Planning Authority or any Authority duly authorized by the department, approving the building plans where construction of basement is proposed. It shall be applicable on all Commercial sites. It shall also be applicable on Residential Projects being constructed by Builders/companies. However, it shall not be applicable for residential houses of any size, provided such construction is being got done by the owner of such residential house. The revenue shall be collected online by the Department of Mines & Geology through a special portal constructed for this purpose and the receipt generated shall be mandatorily asked for and checked by the town planning authority before approving any building plans..”

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