Colony partially falls in Municipal limits and partially outside Municipal limits.

Colony partially falls in Municipal limits and partially outside Municipal limits.


The 31st October, 2011

In partial modification of Notification No. 17/17/2001-5Hg2/P.F./1751,
dated 24-06-2010, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to further notify that where an
area of colony partially falls in Municipal limits and partially outside Municipal limits,
the authority in whose jurisdiction more than 50 percent of the area of colony falls shall
be the Competent Authority appointed under Section 2(1) of the Punjab Apartment and
Property Regulation Act, 1995 for such colony and in such case single composite
layout plan shall be prepared by the promoter which shall be approved jointly by both
the prescribed Authorities. E.D.C. shall be shared proportionally by the Competent
Authorities in ratio of the area falling in their respective jurisdiction.

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