
Affordable Colony Policy, Punjab 2018

Affordable Colony Policy, Punjab 2018





Dated: The 13 Mechpo1s

No. 12/01/2018-5hg2/ £08 As an endeavour of the Government to make

available “Affordable Housing’ for Lower and Middle Income Groups of society, the Governor

of Punjab is pleased to notify a comprehensive ‘Affordable Colony Policy, 2018’ for the State

of Punjab.

1. This Policy to be known as ‘Affordable Colony Policy 2018’, shall come into force from

the date of its notification and it shall be applicable in the entire state of Punjab outside

municipal limits, however, the areas falling within Municipal Limits that are managed by

PUDA or any Development Authority shall also be governed under this policy. All

references to ‘Policy’ in this document shall imply to ‘Affordable Colony Policy 2018’.

2. This Policy is intended to encourage planning and development of small size ‘Residential

Plotted and Flatted Development’ to ensure an increased supply of small size plots and

houses at affordable rates.

3. The promoter shall be liable to fulfil all provisions of the respective Master Plan,

Notification of the charges to be paid and related provision of Punjab Apartment and

Property Regulation Act-1995 (PAPRA-1995), prevailing building rules and other

department notifications/circulars/instructions/orders as amended from time to time,

save as amended in the Policy.

4. The Colony can come up only in the Residential and Mix Land Use Zones of Master Plan.

Where no Master Plan is in operation, the affordable colony will be allowed keeping in

view the existing trend of the development in the surrounding area.


I. Since these colonies are intended to service the lower income/ lower middle-income

group therefore the policy notification no. 17/17/2001-5Hg2/P.F/4255 dated 31.12.13

shall not apply on these projects.


The projects under this Policy shall have minimum contiguous area of 5 acres or as per

zoning regulations of the respective Master Plan whichever is less in all the Master

plans in the State of Punjab except in case of SAS Nagar and New Chandigarh Master

Plans, where the provisions of the respective Master Plan regarding area and other

norms shall be adhered to.


A. Plotted Development

i) Planning Parameters: The planning parameters for the projects allowed under this Policy

shall be as below:

a) Plot sizes in such colonies shall be maximum up to 125 sq.yd and average plot area

shall not exceed 100 sq.yd.

b) The promoter shall reserve 5% gross area of colony for providing EWS Plots to be

sold by the promoter. The size of plots for EWS shall not be more than 100 sq.yd.

c) Clubbing of two or more plots shall not be permissible.

 Minimum Approach Road shall be as per table is given below:

Description Type of Project Minimum width of | Minimum width

Right of Way (ROW) of carriageway

Minimum Width of | Upto 10 Acres 45′-0″ (minimum 22′-0 | 18′-0

approach road to road widen up 45′-0″)

colony Above 10 Acres upto | 60-0″ (minimum 22′-0 | 33′-0″

50 Acres road widen up 60-0″)

Above 50 Acres 80-0″ (minimum 22′-0 | 44′-0″

road widen up 80-0″)

Minimum Width of | i)Residential Plots 22-0″ 18′-0″

Road Within the colony | ii)Group Housing Plot | 40′-0″ 22′-0″

e) Maximum saleable area permissible: upto 65% of the gross area of the project.

f) Minimum Area under organized Open Space: 5% of the gross area.

g) The commercial component in the colony may be given up to 5% of the gross area.

h) Front boundary wall of the residential plots shall be optional for providing easy

access for parking in front set back within the plot area.

i) Front Setback for EWS plot may be relaxed but shall not be less than 1.5 meters.

j) The Maximum Permissible height for plot shall be 36-0″ (excluding Mumty and

Parapet wall).

k) Space for parking is to be provided by the owner as per their requirement.

B. Flatted Development

i) Planning Parameters: The planning parameters for the projects allowed under this Policy

shall be as below:

a) The Maximum FAR allowed shall be as per table given below:

Minimum width of Existing ROW or Master Plan ROW | Permissible FAR

40′-0″ and above 1:2.0

the Affordable Flatted Development shall be

permissible on roads having minimum width of 227-0”

(4 karam Link Road). However, the developer has to

widen the road to 40 feet or as specified in the Master

Plan whichever is more, by leaving proportionate

area from his own land.

60′-0″ and above 1:2.5

80′-0″ and above 1:3.0

Note: F.A.R beyond 1:2.0 shall be without any additional charges.

b) Minimum Approach Road to the site of the project: 40′-0″.

¢) Minimum access road to building blocks within the project area: 20′-0″.

d) Maximum permissible Ground Coverage: 40% of site area.

e) Minimum Area under organized parks/ Open Space: 20% of the Gross area with

minimum width of 15m of the park/ open space.

f) The maximum permissible height: No restriction subject to fulfilment of the ground

coverage, F.A.R, setback around building, parking, fire safety, structural safety and

clearance from Airport Authority of India.

g) The maximum carpet area of a dwelling unit shall be upto 75 sq.m. and average

dwelling unit area shall not exceed 60 sq.m.

h) 10% of the residential flats shall be earmarked for EWS (flat size of EWS shall be

minimum 30 sg.m to maximum 60 sq.m carpet area) to be sold by the promoter.

i) The commercial component in the group housing shall be given upto 2% of the total

FAR area availed.

ii) Parking Norms:

The parking space shall be provided as table given below:

Dwelling Unit (D/U) Size upto 60sgq.m 0.5 ECS per D/U

Dwelling Unit (D/U) Size above 60sq.m 1.0 ECS per D/U

C. Mix of Plotted and Flatted Development

Planning parameters which have been stated above shall be adhered to and the promoter

shall have the liberty to use the land for plotted as well as flatted development subject to the

fulfilment of the development norms etc. Fach component shall be developed as per the

norms/conditions given in this policy.

Note: No density norms shall be applicable subject to the fulfilment of the saleable

area, FAR and unit area as given in policy.



a) The Change of Land Use (CLU) applied under this Policy shall be allowed by the

concerned District Town Planner upto area of 10.0 Acres (with variance upto 10%) and

by the concerned Senior Town Planner upto area of 25.0 Acres {with variance upto


b) The Layout Plans and Zoning Plans shall be approved by the concerned Senior Town


c) The promoter shall have to take license under PAPRA-1995 and the Competent

Authority to grant License to these projects shall be the Chief Administrator of the

respective development Authority.

d) The promoters/developers who has been granted license under PAPRA-1995 but

have not implemented layout plan on site and have not leased out/ sold out any plot

as yet, may also apply under this policy provided that the license earlier issued to

them is valid as on date.


The Promoter shall pay the CLU, EDC, LF and SIF etc. as per existing policy applicable

to PAPRA 1995 or Mega projects as the case may be.

Place: Chandigarh Vini Mahajan,

Dated: BJs) Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Endst. No. 12/01/18-5HG2/ OF Dated: 13/3 jg

A copy is forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Punjab, SAS Nagar with a

request to publish this notification in the Punjab Govt. Gazette (Ordinary) and 50 copies thereof may be

supplied to this Department for official use.

Special Secretary

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