
No Objection Certificate for construction of Government and private buildings near railway land

No Objection Certificate for construction of Government and private buildings near railway land

Issue of the No Objection Certificate for construction of Government and private buildings near Railway land.
Ref.: This Office of even letter no. dated 17.02.2015.
The construction of Government and private buildings near the Railway land is governed by Para 827 of Indian Railway Works Manual (IRWM). A copy of the same is enclosed herewith.
The basic intention behind the stipulation of the para is to safeguard Railway’s interest in such a manner that no future encroachments take place and there is no accrual of easement right such as, Right of Way, Right to discharge sullage and storm water, etc. on Railway land over a period of time. Although, it has been mentioned that an open space of approximately 30 meters between the Railway land boundary and the nearest edge of the building (the exact space to be left being governed by the local conditions) be suffice, it is also stipulated that in cities and towns, where land is valuable, it is not expected of the land owner of a plot to leave a large vacant space between his building and the railway boundary and it is deemed that Railway’s interest will be adequately safeguarded if sufficient vacant space is left so as to ensure development of any future road access and drainage outside the railway land and to avoid request for surrender of railway land for such facility at future date.
In view of above, Railway’s NOC is required for construction of building within 30 meters from railway boundary as per para 827 of IRWM.
Of late, it is observed that at many places (especially in city/urban areas) various structure/buildings adjoining to the Railway boundary are being constructed, for which, no permission of competent authority of Railway has been taken i.e. NOC prior to construction of such structure/buildings.
It is therefore requested to please issue suitable instructions to the concerned Authorities, Nagar palika, Nagar nigam and Nagar parishad to ensure that no permission for construction is granted unless ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ from Railway is obtained for construction of any structure/building on land within 30m (100 feet) between the Railway boundary and the nearest face of any structure to ensure that erected on the land adjoining to Railway land boundary.

The party may be asked to submit the following documents along with recest letter duly forwarded by State Government/Local authority to the concerned Divisional office.
a) Clear title of land in favour of applicant supported by all related documents. (not mandatory).
b) Detailed drawing of building showing complete layout (including, height, width and length).
c) Structural stability certificates by a Civil/Structural Engineer.
A copy of the instructions issued it this regard may be sent to undersigned.
In case of high rise buildings/buildings with basements, where deep digging is involved in close proximity to Railway track, Railway should examine the drawings and construction methodology and ensure that under no circumstances safety of Railway track is affected during or after construction. It necessary, Railway may stipulate site supervision/ inspection, etc. by Railway official during construction stage as well as inspection during lifetime of the building to ensure that building/basements do not affect the safety of trains.
DA: As above

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